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February 01, 2024 7 min read

Navigating the aftermath of a relationship, particularly one that has been a significant part of your life, can be a complex and emotionally challenging journey.

It often involves a mix of emotions, a need for self-reassessment, and the rebuilding of a personal sense of identity. This guide provides ten essential steps on how to move on from a relationship, offering a pathway to emotional and social healing and personal growth.

Recognize that you need to move on and learn what you need to start moving on.

Why is it Important to Move On from the Past?

Moving on from a past relationship is crucial for mental health and emotional well-being.1 Holding onto negative emotions or lingering memories from a past, possibly toxic relationship can hinder personal growth, manifest mental health issues, and affect the quality of future relationships. Letting go of what no longer serves you allows for personal development and healing and opens the possibility for healthier, more fulfilling relationships in the future. It's about allowing yourself to reset, rethink, and reinvigorate your approach to life and love.

Embracing change and moving on can also significantly contribute to your overall well-being. It can reduce stress, improve your mental state, and help you develop a more positive outlook. While often challenging, this process is an opportunity for profound personal growth and self-discovery.

The Process of Grieving

Grieving the end of a relationship is a natural, albeit challenging, part of the healing process. It's about accepting the loss of a significant part of your life and identity. This grieving process can take many forms and involve a wide range of emotions, such as sadness, anger, confusion, and eventually acceptance. It's a deeply personal journey that varies significantly from one person to another.

Understanding and accepting that grieving is a necessary step in healingand moving forward is essential.2 It allows you to process your feelings healthily and constructively. During this time, you may reflect on what the relationship meant to you, what you've learned from it, and how it has shaped you. This reflection is crucial as it lays the groundwork for healing and growth.

10 Essential Steps to Move On from a Relationship

Grieving is part of process to heal and be aware of the other good things happening in your life.

1. Acknowledge Your Feelings

The first step in moving on from a relationship is to acknowledge and accept your feelings. Understanding and accepting your emotions is crucial whether you're experiencing sadness, anger, relief, or a combination of these. It's normal to have a range of feelings following the end of a relationship, and acknowledging them is the first step in the healing process.

Suppressing or denying your feelings can lead to longer-term emotional complications. Instead, permit yourself to feel whatever you're feeling without judgment. Remember, these feelings are a natural response to loss and an essential part of the healing process. Accepting your feelings can also help you gain insights into what you want and don't want in future relationships.3

2. Practice Self-Compassion

Self-compassion is key during this emotionally turbulent time. Be kind to yourself and understand that healing takes time. Practicing self-compassion means treating yourself with the same kindness, concern, and support you would offer a good friend.

Avoid self-criticism and remind yourself that it's okay not to be okay. Healing from a breakup is a process; giving yourself grace during this time is important. Engage in positive self-talk, and remember that this period of pain and confusion is not permanent.

Self-compassion will not only help you navigate this period more gently but also aid in building resilience for future challenges.

Deal with the hurt by focusing on self-care routines.

3. Implement Self-Care Routines

Establishing self-care routines is vital for both physical and emotional well-being. After a breakup, focusing on activities that nurture your body and soul is important. This could involve adopting a healthy diet, engaging in regular physical exercise, or participating in activities that bring you joy and relaxation.

Self-care routines provide a sense of normalcy and control amidst the emotional upheaval. They are acts of self-love that reinforce the importance of your health and happiness. Whether it's a simple nightly skincare routine, a weekly exercise class, or daily mindfulness practice, these routines contribute significantly to your healing process. They remind you that you are worthy of care and attention, especially during challenging times.

4. Reflect on the Relationship

Reflection is a crucial part of the healing process. Take some time to think about the relationship objectively. What lessons can be learned? What were the positive aspects, and what were the challenges?

Reflecting on these questions can help you understand what you desire in future relationships and what you want to avoid. This introspection is not about dwelling on the past but gaining insights for personal growth.

Remember to approach this reflection with a learning mindset, not self-blame or regret. It's about growing from the experience and moving forward with a clearer understanding of your relationship needs and desires.

5. Reconnect with Friends and Family

Often, in the throes of a romantic relationship, we might unintentionally neglect other vital relationships. Reconnecting with friends and family can provide tremendous emotional support and a sense of belonging during this time. These relationships offer a different perspective, reminding you of your worth and the love that surrounds you.

Spending time with loved ones can also be a welcome distraction, providing relief and joy amidst the grieving process. Whether it's a simple coffee date, a family gathering, or a phone call with a friend, these connections can be incredibly healing and grounding.

One of the key steps of moving on inclue exploring new interests and being with a support system.

6. Explore New Interests

Exploring new interests is an excellent way to rediscover yourself after a relationship ends. It allows you to focus on your personal growth and find joy in new experiences. Whether picking up a new hobby, learning a skill, or traveling to new places, these activities can bring a fresh perspective and excitement to your life.

Exploring new interests also provides opportunities to meet new people and expand your social circle, enhancing your social wellness. It's a proactive step towards building a fulfilling life that aligns with your passions and goals.

7. Set Future Goals

Setting future goals is an empowering step in moving on from a past relationship. These goals give you something to strive towards and help shift your focus to the future. They can be related to various aspects of your life, such as career ambitions, personal development, health and fitness, or even new relationship goals.

Clear objectives provide a sense of direction and purpose, which can be particularly helpful during times of change and uncertainty.4 These goals must be realistic and motivating, as they can serve as a roadmap to a positive and fulfilling future.

8. Create Boundaries

Creating boundaries after a relationship ends is essential for emotional healing. This might involve limiting your communication with your ex-partner or adjusting your social media settings to avoid painful reminders.

Establishing boundaries helps safeguard your emotional space and provides the necessary healing distance. Defining what you are comfortable with and communicating these boundaries clearly is important.

This process isn't about creating barriers but respecting your emotional needs and allowing yourself the space to move on healthily and constructively.

9. Consider Professional Support

Sometimes, the emotional weight of a breakup can be overwhelming, and it might be challenging to navigate through it alone. In such cases, consider seeking professional help.

Talking to a mental health professional or a family therapist can provide valuable support and guidance. They can offer coping strategies, help you work through complex emotions, and assist in rebuilding your sense of self. Seeking professional help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

It indicates a commitment to your mental health and overall well-being, ensuring that you have the support you need during this transitional period.

10. Embrace Patience and Hope

Finally, it's important to embrace patience and maintain hope. Healing from a breakup is not a linear process, and it takes time. Be patient with yourself and understand that it's okay to have good days and bad days.

Hold onto hope for the future. Trust that with time, the pain will lessen, and you'll be able to move forward with greater strength and wisdom. Embrace the healing journey, knowing that it leads to new beginnings and opportunities. Your experiences have shaped you, and your resilience will guide you to a future filled with potential and happiness.4

Embracing a New Chapter: Navigating Post-Relationship Healing and Growth

It might feel overwhelming but you have to realize that embracing a new chapter of your life can lead to more positive moments.

Moving on from a relationship is a profound experience that requires introspection, resilience, and a recommitment to oneself. Though challenging, it presents an opportunity for significant personal growth and emotional healing.

Acknowledge your feelings, practice self-compassion, establish self-care routines, and reconnect with your social circle. Explore new interests, set future goals, create healthy boundaries, and seek professional support if needed. Above all, hold onto patience and hope, understanding that this period is one of transformation and renewal.

Remember that each step and each day brings you closer to rediscovering your strength and happiness. Embrace the lessons learned, cherish the growth attained, and look forward to the new chapter awaiting you.

While challenging, moving on from a relationship is a journey that leads to newfound strength, self-discovery, and the potential for future happiness.

What are the first steps to take after a relationship ends? The first steps include acknowledging your feelings, allowing yourself to grieve, and practicing self-compassion. These initial actions set the foundation for healing and moving forward.

How can I rebuild my life after a long-term relationship? Rebuilding life after a long-term relationship involves reconnecting with friends and family, exploring new interests, and setting future personal and professional goals to foster individual growth.

Is it normal to feel overwhelmed after a breakup? Yes, feeling overwhelmed after a breakup is normal. It's a significant life change, and it's important to process your emotions and seek support if needed.

How long should I wait before starting a new relationship? There's no set time to wait before starting a new relationship. Focus on healing and understanding your needs first. You may consider a new relationship when you feel ready and emotionally stable.

Can professional support help after a relationship ends? Professional support, like counseling or therapy, can be extremely beneficial after a relationship ends. It provides a space to process emotions and gain insights, aiding in a healthier recovery.


(1) Kansky J, Allen JP. Making Sense and Moving On: The Potential for Individual and Interpersonal Growth Following Emerging Adult Breakups. Emerg Adulthood. 2018;6(3):172-190. doi: 10.1177/2167696817711766. Epub 2017 Jun 29. PMID: 30034952; PMCID: PMC6051550.

(2) O'Connor MF. Grief: A Brief History of Research on How Body, Mind, and Brain Adapt. Psychosom Med. 2019 Oct;81(8):731-738. doi: 10.1097/PSY.0000000000000717. PMID: 31180982; PMCID: PMC6844541.

(3) Dunn BD, Billotti D, Murphy V, Dalgleish T. The consequences of effortful emotion regulation when processing distressing material: a comparison of suppression and acceptance. Behav Res Ther. 2009 Sep;47(9):761-73. doi: 10.1016/j.brat.2009.05.007. Epub 2009 Jun 10. PMID: 19559401; PMCID: PMC2764381.

(4) Schippers MC, Ziegler N. Life Crafting as a Way to Find Purpose and Meaning in Life. Front Psychol. 2019 Dec 13;10:2778. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02778. PMID: 31920827; PMCID: PMC6923189.

